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SmartEater Dietitians' Blog

Should You Skip Meals?
By: Diana O., RD Estimated Reading Time: 1 min A study published in 2021 looked at the association between skipping meals and weight...

8 Tips to Help You Practice Mindful Eating
1. Begin with your shopping list. Stick to what you are planning to buy and make sure to add healthy snacks to your list. Consider the...

Your Guide to Holiday Barbecues
Barbecue has always been a popular food choice for holidays or parties with family and friends. A common way of eating barbecue is to...

Sensible Eating: BBQ
A lot of people worry about cancer risk from grilling, so they try to avoid all BBQ foods. However, although the risk is real, it can be...

Sensible Eating: Wine and Beer
Alcohol is often looked at as a no-no for dieters, but with about 120-140 calories in 5 ounces of most beers and wines, there's...

Sensible Eating: Seafood
Many people mistakenly think that a low cholesterol diet means having to forego seafood. Seafood, especially shellfish, is thought to...
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