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SmartEater Dietitians' Blog

Fend Off the Flu with these Nutritional Remedies!
When the cold and flu season comes around, many people get sick. This year, the flu is still on the rise, according to the newest report...

5 Simple Nutrition Goals on Your 2018 To Do List!
It’s the year of 2018! What’s on your to do list this year? Here are 5 simple nutrition goals to kick off the year with fresh and healthy...

How Much Does it Take to Burn Off Halloween Candy?
Here are the nutritional values of some of the most popular Halloween candy to help you resist popping too many treats into your mouth....

How to Avoid the Freshman 15
The “Freshman 15” might sound a little over-exaggerated, but studies show that on average, students gain between 3 and 10 lbs during...

The Benefits & Differences between Omegas 3, 6, and 9
Everyone has probably heard that omega fatty acids are good for our health. However, a lot of people do not understand the differences...

Debunking the Top 5 "Best Diet" Plans
I always remind my clients that "Diets" don't work. If you're looking for a way to lose weight, the only diet plan that works is the one...

Prebiotics vs. Probiotics
Prebiotics The promoters of “good” bacteria (probiotics) in the body that enhance the growth of health-promoting species bacteria in our...

Tackle the Hot Pot
Chinese New Year is coming up! We wish all our readers a happy holiday even if there is not a day off work. It would be the norm, even in...

10 Ways to Eat More Vegetables
#1: The Fast Cooking Method Use the microwave to cook fresh or frozen vegetables. A plate of vegetables can be easily prepared by...

Sleep and Weight Among College Students
Based on recent research, adolescents and college students sleep less than the recommended 9 hours of sleep. On average, college students...
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